Thursday 3 May 2012

Megzy's Rainy Day Training Circuit.

Since this morning it was raining I designed myself a workout to do indoors if it was raining. I didn't end up doing it since Sophie woke up before hand which makes it impossible while hubby is at work...I will keep it there for next time it rains (Which i'm pretty sure wont be long until it rains again since its always raining here)

First you need to make a bit of space in your loungeroom or a room where you can make space. Even a garage or carport would do.

2 minute on the spot jogging as a warm up...Or you can do a few laps up and down the hall way or around the room.

Then repeat the following sets 2 -3 times.

20 Situps
10 Burpees
50 squats
Plank (Hold for as long as can and try to increase the time each round)
20 pushups
20 lunges (Each leg)
50 start jumps
20 tricep dips (On a chair, step, crate whatever you have handy)
90 seconds of bicycle legs (Laying on back with legs moving in bicycle motion)

2 minute on the spot jogging as a cool down
Make sure you stretch afterwards.

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